The Screat of Breathing

Svara - Nadi Shastra

Svar in Sanskrit means 'voice', and as voice is dependent on breath, svara also carries the connotation of 'breath'. In this Shastra, a subtle and important relation is expressed between breath and nadi i.e. pulse. Now-a-days, it is standard practice for a doctor to first check the pulse and then the congestion in the chest and/or lungs to get some indication of the condition and/or ailment of breath.

Breathing Exercises

In ancient India, breath was found to have the following characteristics. It could be (i) long or short in strength, (ii) moist or dry in humidity content, (iii) warm or cool in temperaments, and (iv) fast or slow in frequency or speed. From these eight conditions, we have the following twenty-four combinations:

1long and dry7short and moist
2long and cool8short and warm
3long and slow9short and fast
4dry and cool10moist and warm
5dry and slow11moist and fast
6cool and slow12warm and fast
13long and moist19dry and warm
14long and warm20dry and fast
15long and fast21moist and cool
16short and dry22moist and slow
17short and cool23cool and fast
18short and slow24warm and slow

We may consider long, dry, cool and slow as positive characteristics, and short, moist, warm and fast as negative characteristics. So the 24 combinations above can be divided into the six pure positive breaths, the six pure negative breaths and the 12 mixed negative/positive breaths.

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Four Methods of Respiration

1High BreathingIt is called Clavicular Breathing or Collar-Bone Breathing.
2Mid Breathing
3Low Breathing
4Yogi Complete Breathing

Nostril Breathing vs. Mouth Breathing

Vibration and Rhythmic Breathing

Psychic Breathing

Spiritual Breathing

Breathing for special Purpose

1Swas Vyayam
2Buddhi Vikasini Swas Vyayam
3Dwani Vikasi Pranayam
4Durgandhit Swas Nivarak Pranayam
5Anhadi Pranayam (Virya Nirodhak)
6Jwar Nivarak Pranayam
7Virya Stambhak Pranayam (Urdhwaret Pranayam)
8Sukhadi Pranayam (Shramhar Pranayam)
9Rakta Sanchar Vikasini Pranayam
10Sarvang Swasthya Pranayam
11Shakti Sancharak Pranayam
12Shit Nirodhak Pranayam
13Tivra Ushmak Pranayam
14Rakta Shodhak Pranayam
15Aanv Nivarak (Amashaya Rog Haran) Pranayam
16Ashirvad Pranayam
17Shrudha Nivarak Pranayam
18Tap Vardhak Pranayam
19Pitta Nashak Pranayam
20Kapha Nashak Pranayam
21Pitta Vardhak Pranayam
22ENT (Ear, Nose, Tongue) Pranayam
23Teeth Disease Solution Pranayam

Breathing / Pranayam

8Jwala Shanti
10Ramesh Mohan
11Neelam Chaitanya
12Pushpa Giriraj
The Other Types.....
1Surya bhedan
9Ajapa - Sadhan

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Breathing Exercises

A. Alternate Nostril Breath

It has a marvelously calming effect on the nervous system and helps to overcome insomnia. It relaxes and refreshes the body. It purifies the bloodstream and aerates the lungs and soothes headaches, also improves digestion and appetites and helps to free the mind of anxiety and depression.

  1. Sit in a comfortably cross-legged position, back straight.
  2. Raise your right hand and place your ring finger against your left nostril, closing it off.
  3. Inhale deeply and slowly through the right nostril to the count of four.
  4. Close off the right nostril with your thumb and retain the breath for a count of 1-4 seconds.
  5. Open the left nostril and exhale to the count of 4-8 seconds. The longer you can make the exhalation, the better. Concentrate on completely emptying the lungs.
  6. Breathe in through the same left nostril to the count of 4.
  7. Close off the nostril with the ring finger again and hold to the count of 1-4 seconds.
  8. Exhale through the right nostril to the count of 4-8 seconds. This makes up one round.
  9. Repeat these rounds of alternate nostril breathing five more times, or up to ten minutes if you are concerned about insomnia.
  10. Practice a ratio of 4:4:8, if at all possible. Increase this to 8:4:8 eventually, then 8:8:8, after some months.

B. The Cleansing Breath

  1. Sit in a comfortably cross-legged position or a chair, back straight.
  2. Inhale deeply, pushing the abdomen out, and taking in as much air as possible in the space of 1 second.
  3. Whack your abdomen in forcefully to expel the air through the nostrils. The sensation should be one of having been punched in the stomach.
  4. Inhale again by pushing the abdomen out and letting the air rush back into the vacuum created by the exhalation.
  5. The whole process, inhalation and exhalation, should take not much more than 1½ seconds. Both should be forceful and will be quite audible.
  6. Repeat ten times, follow with a complete breath and repeat ten times more.

C. Complete Breath

  1. Sit in a comfortably cross-legged position or in a chair.
  2. Straighten your back, which will straighten your thorax for easier breathing.
  3. Inhale slowly through the nose, breathing deeply, consciously.
  4. Take five seconds to fill the lower part of the lungs, by expanding the ribs and pushing the abdomen out.
  5. Concentrate on filling the top of the lungs for the next five seconds. This will expand the chest and tighten the abdomen slightly.
  6. Hold the breath for 1-5 seconds.
  7. Exhale slowly until you have emptied the lungs.
  8. Repeat 4-5 times more.

D. Digestive Cycle

  1. Sit, comfortably cross-legged, hands on keens.
  2. Now describe a circle with your upper body in a clockwise movement, by
  3. Leaning back exhaling, pulling the abdomen IN, then
  4. Bending forward inhaling, pushing the abdomen OUT.
  5. Repeat 4 times, then perform the same movement in an anti-clockwise direction. The rythm is : bend forward - inhale - push tummy OUT; lean backward - exhale - pull tummy IN.

E. The Humming Breath

This system is best for insomnia. Practice at bedtime in bed, if you have trouble falling asleep.

  1. Perform a Complete Breath.
  2. The second time, make a soft humming sound while exhaling.
  3. Repeat 3-10 times, sounding like a persistent bee.
  4. Follow up with the Sponge.

F. The Legs-up Breath

G. Rhythmic Breath

H. Walking Breath

I. Breathing - Away - Pain - Breath

J. Sense - Sealer

K. Bellows Breathing

Bellows Breathing aids in strengthening the stomach as well as the chest.

  1. Sitting erect in a comfortable cross-legged position, inhale and put your chin on your chest, holding the breath for up to one minute. Lift your head up and exhale through the nose.
  2. Then, from the stomach, exhale for eight counts, keeping your mouth open. As you exhale, your chest is drawn inward; as you inhale, your chest expands outward. This is a reversal of the usual procedure of breathing, and is very effective for bringing oxygen into the lower regions of the body. You will notice that you make a little sound as you are doing it.

Repeat this exercise twice.


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The Intensity Chart

Intellectual Centre

Intensity Chart I & II

Intensity - I : Warm and moist breath, 4-7 fingers in length, 14-17 breaths per minute

Intensity - II : Mildly warm and dry  breath, 7-15 fingers in length, 12-15 breaths per minute

No Intellectual Centre Intensity - I Intensity - II Intellectual Centre Disease, Ailments
1understanding+2000-2000+5000-5000intense, continuous angercoma
2have complete knowledge, a specialist+1950-1950+4875-4875intense egotism and show - off mentalityloss of memory
3generous mind, kind+1900-1900+4750 - 4750a mental block; stiff, closed mindruined kidney
4open mind, a constant learner+1850-1850+4625 -4625ignorant with superiority complexcerebral haemorrhage
5earn respect+1800-1800+4500 -4500mentally lazy, foolishnarcissism, blindness
6logical mind+1750-1750+4375 -4375consistent anger, foul languageapoplexy
7orderly mind+1700-1700+4250 -4250ruffled, unsteady mindstroke and/or shock
8wise, guiding type+1650-1650+4125 -4125inferiority complex, mean and greedybrain cancer
9good grasping power and concentration+1600-1600+4000 -4000meanly causing misunderstandingbrain cancer
10highly active and agile mind+1550-1550+3875 -3875back-biting, gossipy misleadinginsomnia and/or cancer
11forgiving+1500-1500+3750 -3750purposely cause unhappinessfull paralysis
12rational, clear mind+1450-1450+3625 -3625rebellious, undisciplinedinsanity and/or partial paralysis
13selfless, helping type+1400-1400+3500 -3500accepting self-defeat, broodingarthritis
14kind, merciful to a fault+1350-1350+3375 -3375extreme possissivenesspsychosis and/or lung cancer
15dignified approach to life+1300-1300+3250 -3250fruitless mental gymnasticschronic bronchitis
16steadfast and honest+1250-1250+3125 -3125cause mental torture and worryalcoholism and/or tuberculosis (TB)
17detached-in-life, a gyani+1200-1200+3000 -3000a revolutionary, self-seeking and meansevere backache
18very noble mind and nature+1150-1150+2875 -2875aggressive, bullying, a moral cowardepilepsy
19high mental capacity+1100-1100+2750 -2750very dirty mind and natureeye fatigue and eye troubles
20creative, organized mind+1100-1100+2625 -2625drive others insanelumbago
21conscious of duties, obligations+1000-1000+2500 -2500purposely create doubts, self - seekingmigraine
22give happiness to others+950-950+2375 -2375rigid, closed mind, obstinateulcer and severe pain
23remove misunderstanding+900-900+2250 -2250destructive tendencies angina pains
24live harmoniously with all+850-850+2125 -2125purposely cause embarrassmenthallucinations
25mind - triumphing - over - matter type+800-800+2000 -2000effeminate man and / or manly womanmeningitis
26trustworthy+750-750+1875 -1875mean, purposely cause irritabilityshaking and bad nerves
27goodness embodied+700-700+1750 -1750very selfish, inconsiderateeccentricity
28firm and resolute+650-650+1625 -1625grave - digger mentalitypain in the joints
29discriminative and good+600-600+1500 -1500back - accounting, brooding on the dark sideacidity
30very sweet - tempered+550-550+1375 -1375intense greed, self - gain at all costs amoebic dysentery
41calm and collected+500-500+1250 -1250mentally foggy, stupidobesity
42positive, hopeful, bright outlook+450-450+1125 -1125idiotic, mentally abnormal obessionsdepression
43peaceful, avoid quarrels+400-400+1000 -1000purposely cause fear and worryblood disorders
44righteous - pride mentality+350-350+875 -875gambler - cheat mentalitygiddiness and headaches
45steady and able+300-300+750 -750bitter, mental revenge - planninghernia of different types
46self - respectful, kind and good+250-250+625 -625prefer loneliness, avoid peopleallergies of different types
47avoid games of chance+200-200+500 -500shamless intelligentpalsy
48self - sacrificing+150-150+375 -375sarcastic fault - findingphobias, mental disorders
49go out of the way to help+100-100+250 -250hurt purposely by fault - findinghigh or low blood pressure
50mild - natured, forgiving+50-50+125 -125brutal - but - coward attitudeaddictions of various types
51death0-150-15, 0-15death 

Emotional Center

Intensity - I : Very Warm and very moist breath, 4-7 fingers in length, 16-18 breaths per minute

Intensity - II : Mildly warm and dry breath, 7-15 fingers in length, 14-16 breaths per minute

No.Emotional CentreIntensity - IIntensity - IIEmotional CentreDisease, Ailments
1sublime love of God+4000-4000+2000-2000worship of self, mean and greedyparalysis
2reverent, prayerful be in awe+3900-3900+1950-1950intensely possessive, selfisharthritis
3dedication to a good, noble cause+3800-3800+1900-1900strong hate and vengeanceTB, total blindness
4self-sacrificing, all - sacrificing+3700-3700+1850-1850treacherous, unscrupulousasthma, bronchitis
5selfless love for all+3600-3600+1800-1800stab-in-the-back type, an opportunistlung cancer or lung TB
6mother's love+3500-3500+1750-1750unforgiving, even of a small hurt or insultkidney, stomach ailments
7inward peace+3400-3400+1700-1700biting jealousy, get-even mentalityanaemia, intestinal ailments
8love for animal and bird life+3300-3300+1650-1650heartless and / or godlessappendicitis
9money - sacrificing for a good cause+3200-3200+1600-1600sneaky, stealthy, behind - the - back workershock and / or stroke
10courage in face of danger+3100-3100+1550-1550totally dishonest and undependablehigh or low blood pressure
11patriotic and brave+3000-3000+1500-1500singularly self - seeking, intensely bad, meancoronary thrombosis
12father's love+2900-2900+1450-1450changing moods, unculturedamoebic dysentery
13humble, yet knowledgeable+2800-2800+1400-1400jealous of all, mean and greedynasal catarrh
14nobility, love for the weak+2700-2700+1350-1350persecution complex, unmanageablenervous debility
15have ideas of grandeur+2600-2600+1300-1300weakness for praise, all - round wrong doerpalpitations, angina pains
16sublime thoughts+2500-2500+1250-1250peacock - or sho-off mentality, playboy typepiles and fistula
17love for all children+2400-2400+1200-1200uncompromising typealcoholism and / or drug
18truthful, dependable+2300-2300+1150-1150drinking, gambling typealbino
19obedient to will of God type+2200-2200+1100-1100womaniser and flirt, cheatful wayscataract and/or eye trouble
20attached to family, gives great sacrifices+2100-2100+1050-1050cheat at games and in life alsoulcer and/or disorders of intestines
21brotherly / sisterly love+2000-2000+1000-1000frustrated and dangerousunscrupulous / euphoria
22love, sacrifice between friends+1900-1900+950-950has regrets, moody and self-harmfulgoitre
23fearless in life+1800-1800+900-900possessive, undependablepsychosis
24accept challenging situations+1700-1700+850-850absolutely spoilt, demandingstone in kidney / pancreas
25noble feelings between husband and wife+1600-1600+800-800unfaithful spouseparalysis
26noble type of spouse+1500-1500+750-750quarrelsome type of spousesevere nerve disorders
27very tolerant to a limit+1400-1400+700-700intensely greedy, meaninsanity
28enjoy pleasures of mind more than of body+1300-1300+650-650passionate, animal typeapoplexy, fits
29harmonious living+1200-1200+600-600cause grief to others intentionallyblindness and/or stammering
30fond of good living in a good way+1100-1100+550-550superstitious, believe in black magicrash - allergy
31decorative mind+1000-1000+500-500unhealthy trance practicesscabies
32disciplined mind+900-900+450-450frivolous nature, unsteadycold, cough and/or bronchitis
33helpful in distress+800-800+400-400non-cooperative, disappointingdiabetes
34honorable friendship+700-700+350-350despairing type, no self-cofidencepain in heels or bone growth
35great love for all, kind+600-600+300-300sad or happy over small mattersimpotence
36good - natured, frank but not blunt+500-500+250-250ill - mannered, guilt consciouspolio
37give relief where needed+400-400+200-200defiant and treacherousallergy
38assertive yet well-meaning+300-300+150-150unbalanced and/or insanelumbago and/or coma
39overlook faults+200-200+100-100undependable, unsteady, rudeacidity and /or ulcer
40accommodative+100-100+50-50spineless, lazy and undependablehernia of different types
41death0-15 0-150-15 0-15death 

Sex Center

Intensity - I : Hot and very moist breath, 4-7 fingers in length, 18-24 breaths per minute

Intensity - II : Mildly warm and dry breath, 7-12 fingers in length, 15-18 breaths per minute

No.Sex CentreIntensity - IIntensity - IISex CentreDisease, Ailments
1mother's love for new-born+8000-8000+2000-2000mother's desperation for new-borncancer
2chaste, good character+7800-7800+1950-1950undue force in sexsyphilis
3celestial thinking+7600-7600+1900-1900dislike of sex during sex actblindness, gonorrhoea
4reverence+7400-7400+1850-1850indulgence in unclean sexchronic skin diseases
5great respect and love for spouse+7200-7200+1800-1800guilt over unclean sex actssexual disorders
6pure, wholesome, satisfying sex+7000-7000+1750-1750often commit rapeinfectious diseases
7bodily graces, classical dancing+6800-6800+1700-1700sex during menstrual periodhigh blood pressure
8noble feelings about sex+6600-6600+1650-1650hatred due to forced sexcold, chills, bronchitis
9calm and satisfied in sex+6400-6400+1600-1600abnormal sex-maniacolitis
10interest in poetry - drama+6200-6200+1550-1550mental and physical sex stormspneumonia
11interest in music - singing+6000-6000+1500-1500alcoholic and prone to sex actdiabetes
12interest in painting+5800-5800+1450-1450over-smoking and abnormal sex habitsgiddiness, noises in the ear
13interest in sculpting+5600-5600+1400-1400regular trespass in sexgout
14deep love between man and woman+5400-5400+1350-1350very easily excitable, love sex actsbad breath and bad health
15restful, gratifying sexual feelings+5200-5200+1300-1300frigid, fearful in sexpain in the heels, debility
16appreciative of beauty+5000-5000+1250-1250love sexual flattery, unfaithfulhernia of various types
17sympathy and respect for the opposite sex+4800-4800+1200-1200excesses in alcohol, smoking and eatinginsomnia
18considerate and careful in sex+4600-4600+1150-1150very clumsy in sexweak and/or wet lungs
19moderation in marriage, understanding+4400-4400+1100-1100homosexual and/or masturbatingpolio
20honest, faithful+4200-4200+1050-1050shameless, an exhibitionist prostate trouble, debility
21good health, youthfulness preserved+4000-4000+1000-1000no warmth or respect, only passionulcer, growth near sex organ
22friendly with the opposite sex in a good way+3800-3800+950-950beastlyvertigo
23perfection in form, graceful+3600-3600+900-900sex with opposite sex animalsspermacetireaha
24loves body-building and shaping+3400-3400+850-850wrong approach and wrong motives in sexsterility
25satisfying sex gestures+3200-3200+800-800contempt of partner after having sexurinary disorders
26great self-restraint+3000-3000+750-750corrupt sex ideasabscess
27abstain from all excesses+2800-2800+700-700foxy, cunning with children regarding sexallergies of various types
28delicate tastes+2600-2600+650-650energetic, good - looking, self - centerd and meanringworm
29delicate but fine-looking body+2400-2400+600-600weak through dissipation in sexblindness
30appreciative of beauty, good, high tastes+2200-2200+550-550disgusting sex habitsbreathlessness, TB
31very warm feelings+2000-2000+500-500non-cooperative partner in sexpalsy
32very good character+1800-1800+450-450mental disorders and / or impotencefrigidity
33create happiness in married life+1600-1600+400-400very frustrated due to impotencyimpotence
34co-operative love partners+1400-1400+350-350undependable and mean sex relationshomosexuality
35good and pure in sex+1200-1200+300-300blackmailer, painful menstruation and masturbationleprosy
36work for happiness in sex+1000-1000+250-250untrustworthy sex partnerleukemia
37loves a good, happy home+800-800+200-200very loose and free with opposite sexinfertility
38fond of lowers, decorative home+600-600+150-150no control over sexTB and/or cancer
39like to be with family+400-400+100-100destroy oneself by overindulgence in sexrickets
40fond of friend circle+200-200+50-50watch sex pictures, read books on sexsevere constipation
41death0-15, 0-150-15, 0-15death 

Movement Centre

Intensity - I : Warm and moist breath, 7-10 fingers in length, 16-24 breaths per minute

Intensity - II : Mildly warm and dry breath, 10-15 fingers in length, 16-20 breaths per minute

No.Movement CentreIntensity - IIntensity - IIMovement CentreDisease, Ailments
1physically strong but good+2000-2000+1000 -1000physically aggressivestiff joints
2protective towards weak+1950-1950+975 -975loves to provoke fightsswollen and painful knee
3maintains law and order+1900-1900+950 -950creates disputesamputation
4loves military service+1850-1850+925 -925disrupts happy homefractures
5joins police+1800-1800+900 -900evasive when weakbone TB
6honest, well-settled ways+1750-1750+875 -875on the run due to guilt complexslip-disc
7reposeful, steady+1700-1700+850 -850defiant of authoritydeformities of arms and legs
8fond of non - classical dancing+1650-1650+825 -825physically exhausted due to bad habitsdeformity of other parts
9fond of outdoor games+1600-1600+800 -800exercise heavily, use strength wronglyflat-foot
10very energetic, sportsman like+1550-1550+775 -775unnecessary physical movementshamstrung muscles
11fond of heavy exercise+1500-1500+750 -750love to torment the physically weakhunchback
12fond of land sports+1450-1450+725 -725cruelty to animalshydrocephalus
13fond of swimming+1400-1400+700 -700cruel actions in generalpolio
14fond of gymnastics+1350-1350+675 -675sleepy- headed, love table-workvaricose veins
15very supple, in body and breath+1300-1300+650 -650habit of drumming fingersangina pectoris
16good, sound sleeper, yet easy riser+1250-1250+625 -625habit of shaking legsathlete's foot
17quick reflexes+1200-1200+600 -600unnecessary activitiescolic
18very steady posture+1150-1150+575 -575mean-natured, talk loudly to oneselfcramps
19avoid quarrels+1100-1100+550 -550dumbcolitis
20socially active+1050-1050+525 -525deafdwarfism
21gives service to a cause+1000-1000+500 -500spasticspasticity
22races cars+950-950+475 -475stammer, faulty speechrickets
23races cycles+900-900+450 -450born subnormalgiddiness
24fond of riding+850-850+425 -425sleeplessness and restlessnesspain in heels
25race-horse jockey+800-800+400 -400drifter, giddy and meanshock / stroke
26care for the blind+750-750+375 -375member of underground movementconvulsions
27care of cancer - affected+700-700+350 -350revolutionary, trigger-happyheart ailments
28care of the deaf+650-650+325 -325join in plotssciatica
29love farming+600-600+300 -300non-patriotic, sell one's countrypyorrhoea
30manage national games+550-550+275 -275pimp, squint eyeshernia of various types
31love to grow flowers+500-500+250 -250sly movementsvertigo
32very planned life+450-450+225 -225unplanned lifesterility
33very punctual and active+400-400+200 -200love outdoor work or jobsabscess
34loves mountain - climbing+350-350+175 -175faults in legsrash
35fond of outdoor life, shooting+300-300+150 -150clumsy walkpiles
36fond of picnics and parties+250-250+125 -125continuously blinking eyesnervous breakdown
37drill teacher+200-200+100 -100fidgety, nervous backacheslip-disc
38judo and karate teacher+150-150+75 -75childish, foolishly aggessivespondylitis
39manages sports club+100-100+50 -50immature, loud-voiced and stupidlumbago
40careful steady driver+50-50+25 -25love to stand on board of bus or trainangina
41death0-15, 0-150-15, 0-15death

A healthy person should be able to.....

  • breathe quickly [ 2, 3 or even 4 breaths per second ] for at least a few minutes.

  • breathe slowly [ 2, 3 or 4 breaths per minute ] for at least a few minutes.

  • breathe low in the belly, or high in the chest.

  • be able, at least, to allow a pause of at least 30 seconds after exhaling without discomfort.


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